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Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

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Re: Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

Unread postby PS Power » Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:16 am

I have the guide finished. (What, did you think I was joking?)

It should be up on Amazon.com soon. If you want a free copy, send a message to power_dale@yahoo.com and let me know. I will send one to you.

Please leave a review of the guide, so that the algorithm will find it! If you are supporting on Patreon, you have a copy of this already, in your email inbox. (Regardless of tier, since this is rather important information.)

I'll try to send those books out every few hours, if you let me know via email. At least for the first few days. After that, it will probably take longer.

Thanks, everyone.

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Re: Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

Unread postby PS Power » Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:43 pm

R0 value is now being stated as being 7.05. That is, if one person is infected, on average they will give this to 7.05 other people.

The heroic, draconian and insanely inhumane measures taken in Wahun, China have reduced the spread rate (for now) to 3.45. In short, the situation cannot be contained.

9.8% of Wahun is believed to be infected. The official numbers are showing that the problem is being contained, but researchers inside China, who might be killed for telling the truth, are saying that it simply isn't happening.

We have no clue how many have died. The official numbers have been down graded, but we can't know by how much, or by what mechanism at present.

Hong Kong had their second death, making the death rate there 3.17%, so far. It is lower in Japan, and Singapore, so far. Hong Kong has good medical care, however. (Singapore is said to be near the top that way, in the entire world. They clearly have uncontrolled spreading setting up. There, HK and Japan, right now, as well as China.)

From the rumors, the death toll in China is incredibly high, compared to what we know of, which could be down to the reinfection rate and that there is some (rumored by researchers, but not proven to my satisfaction yet) chance of heart failure and Cytokine storm in the second exposure.

Meaning that the second round has a much higher possible death ratio than the first. Given the high spread rate, and the level of mutation of the virus, it is possible (though unknown for certain, keep that in mind!) that we are seeing people in Wuhan getting this more than once, with drastically enhanced death coming after their first exposure.

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Re: Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

Unread postby PS Power » Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:03 pm

South Korea is losing containment of the SARS-CoV-19 virus. When they have 250 (or so) unique cases they won't be able to stop it, give their size and population density.

U.S. hospitals and military bases have been told to prepare for an uncontrolled sudden spread in the United States.

The CDC has been caught admitting that this is already here and spreading, at an uncontrolled rate in the last days, even while publicly lying about it. Real sources are saying that there are pockets of up to sixty or more CONFIRMED cases, in different locations, with dozens of smaller known incidents, with about 7,000 people under self quarantine at their command. (The health officials suggest it, but you can't leave their home, if you don't want to vanish into a quarantine center...)

Officially they are still claiming only 16 confirmed cases. This is a raw lie. They know of hundreds of confirmed cases and are refusing to check most of the others, on purpose. To "prevent a panic".

You have to take your own safety and preparations into your own hands. The government will not be able to help you if this gets bad. Then, then never could. Maybe it won't, but getting some extra food in can't hurt anything. Making sure to wash your hands and avoid large gatherings for a while...

Just in case.

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Re: Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

Unread postby PS Power » Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:16 pm

I do want to point out that all of the stuff above, as loony as it sounded at the time, has been proving out to be nearly 100% correct.

That said, I think the the U.S. and Australia get another week or two before people start to realize this is an issue for them as well. If you can, stock up today on supplies, before there is a rush.

Panic helps no one.

I also think that, instead of world wide quarantine, we will see an admission that we can't stop this and that people will simply have to risk dying. To that end we will be told that the death rate of this is very low... But it will come out later that it is much higher than expected.

*The WHO is saying that this is serious and that the world isn't ready for it. Almost as if someone were going around, telling everyone that it isn't a big deal and that we don't need travel restrictions... WHO would do that though?

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Re: Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

Unread postby David » Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:03 pm

Governments that are concerned about overpopulation.

Those idiots would go to any lengths. I"m not pointing fingers though, and I know how crazy that sounds.

But it's real enough, for some extremists. Surely whatever idiot released this in the population was thinking along those lines, and telling themselves they were saving mother Earth, or some such stupid shit like that.

You know, the greater good. That's how most mass murders are justified, at least on the government scale, though few would admit to feeling that way, they'd never get re-elected.

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Re: Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

Unread postby PS Power » Mon Feb 24, 2020 11:42 pm

That thought has crossed my mind as well.

Still, I don't care about why they did it, or even if they did. Only what I can do about it now. *If I need to do anything. After all, it might just be a flu, bro... :) Let's all hope it turns out that way?

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Re: Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

Unread postby PS Power » Tue Feb 25, 2020 4:00 pm

The Center for Disease Control (U.S. Several countries use the same name for their own version of the same/similar idea...) Has just announced that people need to get ready for this to become an uncontrolled disease inside the United States.

They are, gently, recommending you get ready for "disruptions" to your daily life.

In short, you need to have enough food to outlast a quarantine of twice the duration of a viral cycle. (So if this incubates for 27 days, as the new research is showing as possible in some people, even if the average is 3 days, then you need to be able to wait out a minimum of 54 days.)

Probably longer, since this won't go away easily. The truth is that we are probably looking at multiple viral outbreaks. The Wuhan Corona Virus and the Qom Corona Virus, which seems similar, but with a higher death toll. That has already moved around the Middle East, to other places in that region and to Canada. If it IS different (not assured yet) then we need to learn the particulars of how it spreads, how long it lasts and how many it will kill...

It could also be showing the difference in medical services in Iran, so we need to not jump to conclusions as to it truly being a different strain, without more evidence. (It is possible, not assured, at this point.)

Regardless, what you have to do to protect yourself is the same.

Avoid contact with others.
Wash your hands.
Sanitize your environment at home.
Be personally cleanly.
Use good food handling procedures.

I go into greater depth on these topics in my guide, "Virus-X", which you can get on Amazon.com OR by emailing me at power_dale@yahoo.com for a free readers copy. Clearly, if you can afford the $2.99 or have Kindle Unlimited, use one of those options, since it will help promote the book on the Amazon.com site, and this needs to be seen by many, many people.

Still, I'd rather you have a copy than not, so you can't get that for free, as well. Give it to friends, family and people at work... This isn't a time to promote my work particularly. (For me. I'm good with you doing it, of course.) :)

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Re: Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

Unread postby PS Power » Sat Feb 29, 2020 9:21 pm

So, the news is telling you that this current virus, might, could, possibly, be a problem. Maybe...

People are waking up, there is the first "official" death in the U.S. and we are catching on to the tricks being used to not report on this. Lack of testing was the first one, but the U.S. is matching the Chinese in their clever hiding tactics. So are many other places. Thailand is having a deadly and severe "Viral Pneumonia" outbreak, but makes no mention of it being Covid-19 at all... Thousands have it though, and it's a major problem there at the moment.

Iran is leaking reports of 17 people dying of this disease in one hospital...

Italy is having people die at a much higher rate than was ever released in China...

So, what is going on? Well, we cannot know for certain. Not yet. What I can assure you is that no one would be doing anything with this, if it were simply a new flu virus. As China goes back to work, we can only hope that this isn't major at all. Only, we kind of know it is much worse.

We should expect a sudden "explosion" of this in the U.S. as the CDC is opening up their testing finally... What is being hidden now are the secondary deaths that come in the second wave. We are seeing this in China already. There is some indication that you don't build a real immunity to this and will have repeated outbreaks of it. (Think of Herpes, for example, of how this can happen.)

In that case, even if a vaccine comes in two years, the 80% who catch this (at worst) will keep having it come back at them, over and over again, for the rest of their lives.

*This is worst case here, and it probably won't be that bad. Thankfully. We see some signs, but have to catch a break eventually!) :)

Just in case this is a thing, make a point of not catching this!

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Re: Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

Unread postby PS Power » Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:21 am

The below are rumors, based on research. What does that mean? That there is research, but it hasn't been peer reviewed and hasn't bee replicated as of yet. Since there has literally been no time for either of those things, this is the very best information we can have at this time. Ignoring it is foolish.

1. There is a chance that this corona virus shares a fairly corona virus trait, in that it can hide in nervous tissue and reassert itself at a later date. This could explain the "mysterious" reinfections that many are starting to show with this virus. (Study out of Mainland China.)

2. People who "get this a second time" (may be part two of the same infection, or something different, like mutated strains or poor testing protocols...) die at a much higher rate than those who only had it once. So far about ten-twenty percent seem to have a resurgence of symptoms, but when it comes back, even people with a mild first case seem to be hit hard. (Mainland China release.)

3. The virus passes the blood brain barrier and damages certain portions of the brain. One of these is responsible for breathing, so those effected can seem ambulatory and suddenly forget how to breath, dying in minutes, unable to speak or explain what is going on. (Tentative, but out of Thailand, I think.) Hopefully this one turns out to be wrong or a misunderstanding. It could happen, but that's some kind of movie BS...

Other points:

We cannot know the death rate from this, because the world governments have not counted all of the deaths. When we started testing in the U.S. we had six dead in a few days... True, mainly from a long term care facility, so the elderly and ill, but how many people have been dying of this and had it blamed on stroke, heart attack, organ failure or Pneumonia, or even had it marked as flu related?

Did you know that, even if a person dies of the flu, it is fairly common to have never done a test for that particular virus before or after the passing? We just suffered a huge "flu" season that is still ongoing. Now that testing is being done, it will, slowly, be possible that we will find it wasn't the flu at all and that the death rate is highly elevated over a common flu season.

Also: Did you know that if the CDC can hold off calling this a Pandemic until July of 2020 they don't have to pay off on Pandemic Insurance they sold? The amount is sizable. Is it enough to get them to drag their feet and let a disease spread, instead of taking early action to stop it? I don't know, but we should have an investigation on this point.

Last for this post:

Sooner or later things will normalize, even if they get pretty bad first. History has taught us that much. Never give up, and don't give in!

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Re: Carona virus/Wuhan China/Pandemic

Unread postby MarciaA » Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:04 am

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I called the Corona hotline, was on hold for 40 minutes and gave up.

So I looked at the CDC and Washington public health websites. They told me to see a primary care doctor, but there's no information about testing.

I called the Corona hotline, was on hold for 40 minutes and gave up.

So I looked at the CDC and Washington public health websites. They told me to see a primary care doctor, but there's no information about testing.
I called 2 primary care doctors. One told me they don't know where to get testing, and that I should not to seek out testing. The other one told me to go to an urgent care or ER.

I called the Urgent Care, they also had no idea where tests are, but told me to call the hospital.
I called the hospital. They do not have tests, but transferred me to the COVID-19 hotline to "answer my questions". Since I was transferred on a medical provider line, I actually got through. Progress!
The lady with the hotline was very kind and professional and understood my concern about my own health and those at my clinic. (Which is currently being sanitized). However, I was told I do not qualify for testing. And I was not given a timeline or info on current resources.
So. Who does qualify? Those who have been out of the country in the last 14 days, and those who have had contact with one of the few people who have been tested and come up positive. That's it.
The only way I can get treated is if my symptoms get so bad I develop pneumonia or bronchitis, which is very likely in my case. Then I'll be in the ER and quarantined for several days while waiting for a test and for the results to come back.
This is all incredibly frustrating because I am trying to do everything right in a system that punishes moments of "weakness" like taking days off.

It's also scary to know that I won't be able to get help until I need life support.
To sum up: this is not contained. No one knows what the fuck is happening. I can't work. WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS.
Since this is getting attention.

COVID-19 HOTLINE: 1-800-525-0127

DON'T CALL unless you are experiencing all symptoms or have been exposed to a case. Leave the lines open to people who need it most. Any other questions can be answered on the CDC, WHO, or WA public health sites.

Decided to copy/paste for those who don’t have Twitter.

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