Hello All,

Dale and I have been communicating about the recent problems with the Forum here at pspowerbooks.com. It has been decided to retire the Forum and move all author & conversational interactions over to Patreon.

Over the next week or so, I'll be closing down the Forum and creating redirects to start funneling visitors of the Forum over to that URL (the main website showing all the books will be staying).

Thank you everyone for your participation on the Forum these past several years! See you on Patreon!! :mrgreen:

Brent / Argy / ArgyrosfeniX

p.s. Sorry about all of the coding errors. They reset nightly these days and I can't keep up with changing the code that often... :(

Always a Demon: Coming out Tomorrow!

A new series starring one of our favorite greater demons!
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Re: Always a Demon: Coming out Tomorrow!

Unread postby kargren » Tue May 15, 2018 7:09 am

Please do not take this as criticism. I own all of your books and you are by far my favorite author out of the few thousand books I own. The writing was differant than usual it seems. You wrote a great deal more descriptions and inner manolog. You normally use much less of each or at least write it so its far more engaging and pushes the story forward.

It seems lately that your books have lost a bit of purpose, almost like you had all of your prior books you had really planned out and couldnt wait to get out of you. But this and the last few are newer material that your trying to plan new material and write it in the same space of time. or that your bored of the longest series that you have writen.

Either way I love your books and cannot wait for all your future books. Thank you for chosing to be an author and giving us all your wonderfull stories and the skill which they have been writen with.

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Re: Always a Demon: Coming out Tomorrow!

Unread postby PS Power » Tue May 15, 2018 2:54 pm

I was trying for greater description on this one. Some people (many, if not most) like a bit more than I sometimes put in, or so I gather.

I do try to keep things moving along and spritely, but not everything will always mesh that way.

I have a lot more stories inside left to write.

*I tend to simply write the book, without a lot of pre-planning or outlines. Some organization in my head, but that almost always changes, depending on the way the story "wants" to go.

**The interior monologues are pretty consistent however. Almost everything I've written has been about the interior life of the main character, as things happen outside of themselves to promote change and growth.

*** If anything, it's the other way around. The works tend to lack "zip" if I take too long writing them. Faster tends to be a bit better that way, in the main. Not that Always a Demon took that much longer than normal. A few weeks.

Part of that is probably down to a depressive cycle. I took out most of the truly troubling and negative bits from this one, since I didn't want it to read like a horror novel. :)

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Re: Always a Demon: Coming out Tomorrow!

Unread postby MarciaA » Tue May 15, 2018 7:33 pm

You need a darn vacation!

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Re: Always a Demon: Coming out Tomorrow!

Unread postby kargren » Wed May 16, 2018 7:36 am

I can totally see the description amount being a subjective thing so totally worth trying a differant way and see if the readers respond to it.

I personally am intreaged by the idea of your darker if not darkest side coming through in a book.

I can empathise with you about the mood problems and can only wish for you to recieve all the best the world has to offer. and to reiterate that you are a highly sucsesfull author and beloved by your fans.

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Re: Always a Demon: Coming out Tomorrow!

Unread postby PS Power » Wed May 16, 2018 7:21 pm

The success is medium level, so far... :)

And thanks!

I think that, in the part that I control, that there is a desire to keep things fresh as well as to change a lot faster than most readers would feel comfortable with. (Readers change too! That means that as they learn, grow and live their lives, what they like in new things will alter over time, just like the person writing the tale.)

It's a balancing act that I never really thought about before I started writing. I'd always figured that authors just had one kind of "voice" so wrote that way even when ti became predictable. The truth is, at least for me, that when I've changed much at all, people started to respond less than favorably. They want what they are used to, with just enough change and alteration for it to feel new-ish.

*Which isn't some huge crime, just hard to balance for so many people. :) Everyone likes things ot progress at a different pace.

The same is true of darker things. If I put, say twice as much darkness and depravity into my works, a certain portion of readers would complain about it and "never read that jerk again!"

Seriously, I get that if I even try to put in a social issue, even if I show all sides of it in the same work or series. I've had negative one star reviews both for how I evily refuted someone's opinion and how I evilly supported that opinion... Not just about the same book, but the same scenes! It's nearly fun at this point to find issues, hit a middle of the road position on it and then listen to so many people think that my take on things means that I, personally am evil.

As if they didn't get that already? Did I ever claim to be a good person? If so, that was a mistake. Hmm...


Seriously, I'm the bad-boy of soft science-fiction and fantasy. Oh, yeah.

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Re: Always a Demon: Coming out Tomorrow!

Unread postby Mojo » Sat May 19, 2018 9:31 pm

So will someone help me out and explain what I am apparently missing. So the many of the greater demons use to be gods. Now they are evil greater demons...why? What does being an evil greater demon have to do with the veil? I am missing the much of the point to Keeley's reason to not be an evil greater demon anymore.

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Re: Always a Demon: Coming out Tomorrow!

Unread postby DAAgnew » Sun May 20, 2018 12:53 pm

when Tarsus formed the Cage of Ages and veil, it threw the balance of good and evil out of balance so he had the Daemon stand for evil to keep things functioning. Now that there is no more veil and the "other things" are coming back the normal balance is returning so the Greater Demon types can stop being evil. It is just a hard habit to break.

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Re: Always a Demon: Coming out Tomorrow!

Unread postby Mojo » Sun May 20, 2018 6:14 pm

I noticed in the latest book that keeley describes being a demon like being not a race but a person who lives in a particular nation. She also describes how others who are human could be made into Demons, but shouldn't be. So the 500+ demons are just individuals that are smarter and can do more powerful things, but otherwise are normal people?

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